Tuesday, April 12, 2011

March 23rd Post out of Order

I did a mini experiment with Zeus and Hercules. I put dark paper on one side of a shoe box, and white paper on the other side. Then I dumped the cockroaches into the middle, covered the top with plastic wrap (w/ holes punched) to keep them in, and put a like over the black paper half. I left the cockroaches for 1/2 hr. When I came back black paper had fallen on top of Zeus and he was quite happy on the dark side. Hercules had stayed on the light side, but if you look closely he is in the shaded portion of it.
So, from this observation, I would conclude that cockroaches prefer dark or shady environments.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

the experiment.

Attempt 1:

-both went straight for the moist area

-both explored both areas

-both stayed on the moist side the majority of the time

Attempt 2:

-Hercules went to the dry side and stayed in the corner

-Zeus went to the moist side and stayed

-Zeus drank the water on the wall

Attempt 3:

-both went to moist area

-Hercules went to the dry area and came back to moist

-both stayed at moist (majority of time)

Attempt 4:

-Hercules went to dry area

-Zeus went on moist areas

-both attempting to get out by climbing on the walls

Attempt 5:

-both went to the moist

-stayed in that area the whole time

-tried to climb out

-we put the lid on to keep them from climbing out

Relationship statement: When placed in between a dry and a moist area, the cockroaches choose the moist area 80% of the time.