Sunday, April 10, 2011

the experiment.

Attempt 1:

-both went straight for the moist area

-both explored both areas

-both stayed on the moist side the majority of the time

Attempt 2:

-Hercules went to the dry side and stayed in the corner

-Zeus went to the moist side and stayed

-Zeus drank the water on the wall

Attempt 3:

-both went to moist area

-Hercules went to the dry area and came back to moist

-both stayed at moist (majority of time)

Attempt 4:

-Hercules went to dry area

-Zeus went on moist areas

-both attempting to get out by climbing on the walls

Attempt 5:

-both went to the moist

-stayed in that area the whole time

-tried to climb out

-we put the lid on to keep them from climbing out

Relationship statement: When placed in between a dry and a moist area, the cockroaches choose the moist area 80% of the time.

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